Products / Pricing

Below are the recruitment options we have available. When making your purchase, you have the option to pay online from your account balance.

For information on current promotions, customized packages or if you have any questions, please contact Nicole Jordan at (860) 579-1358 or

All CSWE program members listed in the online Directory of Accredited Programs are eligible to receive a discount on these job posting products: 30 Day Job Posting, 60 Day Job Posting, and the 90 Day Job Posting. Contact to receive your member coupon code!

Attention Employers: Jobs posted to this site should be within the Education discipline of social work, including Faculty positions (including tenure, tenure-track, clinical, professor of practice, lecture).

Prices start at $379! Put your job or exclusive banner in our next Job Flash™ Email to Over 4,900+ CSWE Members & Educators to increase candidates by up to 500%!
Options for an exclusive posting in the weekly CSWE newsletter available! Contact Nicole Jordan 860-579-1358 for more information.

Job Postings and Job Flash™ Packages
Single Resume Purchase
Network Postings
Bulk Job Posting Packages

Hiring lots of employees? Contact your customer service rep listed at the top of the Pricing page

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